Craft Room Info & Inspiration

Arts, crafts, sewing, DIY projects… we all need a room to engage in our hobbies, store all of our tool, utensils, and crafting materials, and most importantly a space to get and stay organized. But this room has to be our own, one we decorate and love to be in. Can we call ourselves crafters if our craft room isn’t absolutely amazing? We might, but others won’t!

The Standard Size of a Placemat in All Shapes & Sizes

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Dining Room

Are you thinking about sewing some placements for your next haberdashery project? Custom, homemade placemats are a great addition to dining decor at your next dinner party. But […]

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Can You Paint Over Chrome? It's Not Easy, But Yes

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Garage

Can you paint over chrome and get a decent result? This material is notorious for being challenging to paint, with stories of paint peeling and flaking just a […]

Is Acrylic Paint Washable? Yes, With Care Taken!

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room

Even when you’re doing everything you can to try and keep paint on the brush and canvas, it’s nearly impossible to stay clean when painting, leaving us to […]

Toilet Paper Roll Dimensions: Let's Measure & Calculate

Updated: | Categories: Bathroom, Craft Room

Have you ever been to the store and noticed there are different sizes of toilet paper rolls and that there's no standard toilet paper roll dimensions? While it […]

7 Standard Paint Can Sizes & the Spray Paint Options

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Garage

Deciding to paint is such a fun project. Painting is the least expensive way to change a room's atmosphere and brighten any decor. But just how much paint […]

How To Frost Glass: 4 DIY Methods for Superb Results

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Do-It-Yourself, Interiors

You’ve found the perfect place, but the windows don’t offer any privacy and seem bland. Instead of passing on your new home, try frosting the glass. Frosted glass […]

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3 Types of Primer Paint for the Perfect Base Coat

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Garage

Any of the types of primer paint are a kind of coating that you apply to a surface before you apply layers of regular paint over it. This […]

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25 Types of Drawers to Help Organize Your Space

Updated: | Categories: Bedroom, Craft Room, Furniture, Office

Storage types of drawers can make organizing your space much simpler while also adding some cleanliness and neatness to your room. They can also often serve an aesthetic […]

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23 Types of Glue Perfect for Every Adhesive Application

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room

All the different types of glue, also known as adhesives, are substances that can hold different materials together and resists their separation. Usually, they’re applied to one or […]

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19 Types of Paint Brushes Designed for Specific Tasks

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Utensils

Where having different types of paint brushes come in handy is when you never know which project will need some work. After all, depending on the application, every […]

17 Types of Pencils Designed Specifically for Your Art

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Utensils

Today, millions of people use different types of pencils in dozens of sectors of their lives. Modern pencils owe their existence to a Roman invention called the stylus. […]

types of tape

12 Types of Tape That Serve Every Need You've Ever Have

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Garage

Ever since some genius realized we could stick adhesives to a thin strip of paper or plastic, the world hasn't stopped rolling out new types of tape. From […]

types of scissors

15 Different Types of Scissors & Their Uses

Updated: | Categories: Craft Room, Utensils

There are types of scissors for every need. Many industries found that if they tweaked the design of common shears, they could work faster, more accurately, and more […]