11 Types of Toilets to Fit Your Bathroom & Look Amazing

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types of toilets

You might have a favorite place in the house, but one could argue the most important is the bathroom. We should pay a great deal of attention to make it comfortable and inviting, and that starts with the types of toilets we choose for our home.

The place in the house that demands our attention and compels you to make it comfortable is the bathroom, because our reputation hinges on it. And there is one part of it that you absolutely cannot get wrong. No, not the tub, but the toilet.

There’s almost no other part of the house that is more important than this one. Thankfully, it is not a herculean task to get it done and get it right. Looking for something that makes your time in there comfortable, functional, and maybe just a bit good looking?

Today, there are a number of models, designs, and functions for a toilet to help you out. Let us take you through some of the types of toilets so you know what your options are.

11 Types of Toilets

Let's be clear. When we talk about toilets, we mean a full bowl that accommodates both men and women, so urinals are excluded. Make sure to check out the various types of toilet seats, too, which can help you customize your toilet.

Flushing Toilet

flushing toilet

You know this one. You pull a trigger on top or push a button on the tank for the water to flush your substances down the pipeline. The trapway for a flushing toilet comes in S, P, J and U shapes.

Take a look the next time you’re on the pot and bored. Unless that’s where you are right now. Today, most toilets are flushing toilets. Dry toilets are the opposite of this model.

They are, obviously, without water and can be spotted in some airplanes and require some serious suction and back pressure, but work in a similar fashion.

These toilets are preferred for their ease of operation, power, and performance. They last long and have a few different types of flushes like the tornado flush, cyclone flush and the G-max flush.

Different brands prefer different designs. And they all get the job done quietly, like a mafia kingpin’s second in command. That's why they're the reigning champions in the western world so far, when treated as a two-piece toilet.

Upflush Toilet

upflush toilet

This is an interesting one. An upflush toilet works the same as a regular toilet. The difference is in what happens after you flush.

Upflush toilets discharge waste from the back into a pump that has a garbage disposal. So the waste is pumped into a PVC piping. It is a pretty neat and streamlined way of getting things done.

They come with a pump which is a small unit on the floor behind the toilet. It connects to an extension pipe with a pump behind the wall.

And it gets better. You don’t have to worry about maintenance. It lasts more than a decade. You don’t have to have a drain line next to it because these toilets are mobile. You also don’t have to break a large hole in your floor during installation.

One-Piece Toilet

one-piece toilet

These are sleek pieces that are easy to install and easy to clean. They work more or less like two-piece flushes. They have the same flushing system and use the same amount of water.

They are a bit more expensive but in their defense, they are more durable. They are great for smaller restrooms and are placed closer to the ground because they take up less space.

Square toilets are a good example of one-piece toilets. They supposedly have a bigger bowl but they can be a bit uncomfortable because oval-shaped toilets are the best in terms of human-oriented design.

It is also a bit tough to procure replacement parts for square toilets. However, many customers seem to prefer these for their look and feel. They are uncommon but work well when used with the theme of unusual designs.

Two-Piece Toilet

two-piece toilet

These are the most popular models in the United States and use the typical types of toilet flanges so installation is simple and the parts are readily available. The tank and bowl are separately made and attached at the time of installation. Their weight and size makes it a bit difficult to install them but cleaning them is quite easy even if tougher than one-piece toilets.

They are taller and the seat is higher than one-piece toilets which makes them a preferred choice among adults, even though they place you in a less effective posture for using the toilet.

They have been around for a long time which makes them cheaper than the other designer models. It goes without saying that the replacement parts are easily available which is hardly ever the case with one-piece toilets. Most homes and businesses have these toilets as well as the classic types of septic systems.

Composting Toilet

composting toilet
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This is another interesting model. The idea of a composting toilet is different in different parts of the world but it often does boil down to having a toilet that doesn’t just dump out your waste. It is also referred to as a dry toilet.

Now, since human waste is not meant for composting purposes, these toilets use bulking materials like sawdust or wood chips which absorb moisture. Some of these models also have a different tube for urine so that the solid waste can be kept in the layers of compost and urine can percolate through buried stones.

This also makes sure that there is less odor and the oxidation and decomposition go according to plan. That is also one of those zero-error spaces of life. Porta potty's follow this general design concept as did old outhouses. You might see these in the worst apartments in existence, too.

Compact Toilets

compact toilet

These were once a sign of elegance and luxury but are becoming more practical thanks to the lack of space in our homes. They are made to fit in small bathrooms. Generally they're just smaller than other types of toilets.

Typically, they are mounted on the wall or are toilets with no tank. They are great for small bathrooms, RVs, and marine boats. This also leaves storage space for cabinets or plants.

The tank is usually hidden in the wall which, among other things, makes cleaning really easy and you don’t have to ever worry about leaks. Sounds good so far? Well, here’s the catch.

It is quite the process if you want to switch from a regular toilet to a compact one. The plumbing and installing has to be done by professionals so that it is immovable. But once it is done, you will feel their superior design.

They can be placed anywhere in the bathroom. They are more versatile than one- or two-piece toilets. However, these are far more expensive and do demand more repairs.

Tankless Toilet

tankless toilet

Where's the tank? Where's the flappers? This might sound peculiar, and it is a little bit. But these toilets are connected directly to the pipe. So, it has an electric pump which adds power to the flush and the water goes to the pipe. That pipe is wider than usual and the bowl needs a lot of water for a clear flush.

This is a contemporary design and is a lot smaller than the other models. It is a bit tricky to install tankless toilets and things can get a bit more complicated. Especially if the power goes out or your battery goes out (depending on what part of the world you're in).

However, you can find mechanical tankless toilets that don’t depend on an electric flush but you still need something with a lot of power so that you get a clean flush.

Smart Toilets

smart toilet

Heated seats. Hands-free flushing. Deodorizing seats. Self-cleaning wands. This is the 21st century and some of these smart toilets are proof. Match them with alternatives to glass shower doors to really spruce up your bathroom.

These are some of the most comfortable and functional toilets. They come with intelligent upgrades and your manufacturer’s imagination is the only limit. You'll absolutely find these in the more modern mega mansions across the globe.

Corner Toilet

corner toilet

If you want variety, here’s one. Corner toilets often come in triangles and the water tank is also in the same shape. That’s why they fit really well in the corner and hence the name. The space-saving aspect is also the best thing about corner toilets, helping you more effectively use up your toilet room dimensions.

They do look a little weird especially for those who have never seen these models previously. That is probably why not a lot of people buy these. But it is also possible that sales are not soaring because a triangle is just not the shape you are used to sitting on.

It is also hard to find replacement parts and installation can be tricky too. You are going to need professional help to get started with it but also for repairs. So you might want to think hard before getting one of these.

Elongated Toilet

elongated toilet

These are commonly found in most bathrooms. They are oval shaped, considered to be the best fit for the human bottom. They are great for adults and larger people, hence the popularity.

They can take a little extra space when compared to some other varieties mentioned above but that is not always the case. Elongated toilets have a larger pipeline and the bowl is good for those with poor aim. They also help give you more room with the task of using whatever types of toilet plungers you have on hand, when that dreaded time comes.

Round Bowl Toilet

round bowl toilet

This one looks cute. Its size is its greatest advantage. You won’t be experimenting with anything unfamiliar (which is a nightmare in the loo) and it saves space, too.

Its seat is pretty much the same as an elongated toilet except it is smaller in size. It flushes with less power than an elongated toilet but it is still preferred, especially if you want an extra seat closer to the pool or the garden.

The one problem with these is you end up leaving your waste closer to the front of the bowl, which can mean that one flush doesn't always get the job done and can lead to a need for frequent cleaning due to streaks.

Choosing From the Types of Toilets

There are some more models and types of toilets in the market. It goes without saying that each of these models comes with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The ones mentioned above are some of the most popular models across continents. If you are looking for a set that works for everyone in the family, your best bet is one of the models mentioned above.

Making the right choice usually boils down to how much space you have in your bathroom. So look carefully at the types of toilets and choose accordingly.

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